Tuesday, March 15, 2016

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” -Aristotle


Here is where we are : Our boy Ben has reduced the field of candidates for the “Ben Sweepstakes” to two ladies :  Lauren  B  ( in blue below) and Jo Jo.

Ben has added some complexity to this situation by sharing words of love and affection to each of the ladies.  Each lady has one final date to help Ben reach some conclusion to his journey for love.

But these dates are like asking a senior in college how are things are going?  For the senior in college the only thing that matters is the answer to one question: What are you doing next year? For these ladies the only thing that matters is will Ben pick me?  So other than enjoying watching  Ben's Mom roll her eyes at some of the ladies praise of young Ben, (mothers know their sons) we were all basically waiting for the choice. 


While Bachelor Nation watched Ben agonize as if he were making the decision facing  President Truman  in 1945  on  whether to bomb Hiroshima or not  to end WW2,  I  began to think about choices and destiny. 

Aristotle in the quote above says our choices dictate our destiny. I think I am in agreement with Aristotle ( I am sure he is very  pleased  to hear that news).


But  Desmond from LOST! suggests the universe has our destiny in mind and shapes events to fulfill that destiny. Could both these philosophers  be right?

Desmond points out he sees the future for his pal Charlie and does all he can to forestall the inevitable destiny Charlie has as the universe has a way of course correcting .  


"Lost: Flashes Before Your Eyes (#3.8)" (2007)
Charlie: So, you're telling me you saw a flash of Claire drowning this morning, so you knew how to save her?
Desmond: I wasn't saving Claire, Charlie... I was saving you. This morning, you dove in after Claire. You tried to save her but you drowned.
Charlie: What do you mean? I didn't drown.
Desmond: When I saw the lightning hit the roof, you were electrocuted. And when Claire was in the water, you drowned trying to save her. I dove in myself so you never went in. I tried, brother. I've tried twice to save you, but the universe has a way of course-correcting, and I can't stop it forever. I'm sorry - I'm sorry because, no matter what I try to do... you're gonna die, Charlie.

Desmond argues  we have a destiny regardless of our choices and actions. Our fates are determined and the universe will tilt things to fulfill the destiny.   I still lean to Aristotle but some part of me wonders if all the various experiences have prepared me for something.  

Our boy Ben seems to have his destiny in his hands as he is the one making the choice as the ladies have long ago articulated their love and preference for moving ahead.  I think he has done himself a favor eliminating the women that would be voted "Most likely to stab him in his sleep" earlier on in the program leaving him with two great candidates for the Ben Sweepstakes.   

Ben eventually gets us to the rose ceremony after the obligatory looks out at the ocean while he tries to get some clarity without consulting Aristotle or Desmond. While we navigate through his dilemma, we in Bachelor Nation ponder for ourselves what will help him reach a decision.  And I start to ponder how we read people and make decisions about them. We can look at a face and make a decision about the person. We think the face is the best indicator of a persons emotions and trust out ability to read the face . Looking at  Lauren B we readily conclude she is a nice, cheerful and  pleasant person. We have seen her for weeks behave in a mature poised manner with a sense of warmth and humor. We can’t tell how she would be on the deck of the Titanic  but our instinct  tells us to trust her and believe in her. She looks happy. When Ben is with her he has almost a glow about him that radiates his happiness. It seems a natural fit for our boy and this is a decision that will be made on his gut feeling not columns in an excel worksheet.  For us in bachelor nation, (well the Wilton, Ct.  Bachelor Nation comprised of Eileen, Summy, and me ) we are pulling for Lauren B.   


Eventually we get to the rose ceremony and Ben meets Jo Jo first. Summy barks at Ben since she assumes her opinion matters. Although the producers have given us every chance to perceive Jo Jo  has a shot I don’t like her chances . Ben offers he loves her and his time with her is special ...BUT .........


and that spells the end for No Jo . Ben loves another ... No Jo handles this with class and moves on ......  to become the next Bachelorette  while Ben moves ahead and proposes to his love Lauren B !  


Ben and Lauren have completed their journey on the show and begin another post Bachelor and we hope they have found love and will have a great life together.

Thank you very much for joining me on Ben's journey and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did .


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