Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"CHARLIE DON'T SURF " - Lt Kilgore ( Robert Duvall ) in Apocalpse Now


Our bachelor Ben has a busy week as he will visit the families of the four remaining candidates for love. These opportunities offer unique views into the dynamics of the respective families.

We all come from a family of one sort or another and as part of the mate selection process we evaluate integration into another family.  Meeting  the family of a potential partner can be a view into the future. Herman Wouk wrote Marjorie Morningstar with the idea of demonstrating how young girl evolved into a next generation version of her mother.  For Ben, perhaps he can catch a glimpse of the future by getting to know the mothers of these four ladies and observing their family dynamics. Downton Abbey has been a popular show for years presenting the actions  of family members over time as well as the evolving relations between family members. This week on  Downton Abbey, Lady Edith showed us that despite sibling differences  at the end of the day, siblings  are the ones with the  shared memories of the family.


Ben, Amanda and the kids at the beach

First up ,is Amanda  out on California. As we know, Amanda brings a couple bonus packages to the dance ;one age 3 and the other 1. Ben being a 26 -27 year old single guy has exactly zero interest in kids but hides it well enough to give Amanda a sense he might be able to jump aboard the kid train as part of his overwhelming desire to be with her. Ben does a good job of showing enthusiasm for the kids but as they scream in the car on the way home from the beach we can see him thinking  "I have had enough fun". The elephant in the room is not how our boy feels about Amanda but how he feels about the instant family plan. Ben expresses he is really connected with Amanda but I suspect he was checking for the limo prior to the scheduled departure. I recalled a day I spent back in my first years in NYC in the 70’s . Rob Lawrence ,a fellow with whom I worked had married and had a 2 year old. I spent the day out in White Plains at their home . The child ( a girl named Kelly ) ran around as kids do. She was fine by the time I left but I was exhausted. I have not been to White Plains since that day. Another year or so and I will be fully recovered. I understood then why married people with kids don’t spend a lot of time with single people.  Now Ben knows too. At the end of the visit, Amanda offers she will be crushed if she does not get a rose. It was if we were watching a murder mystery and an axe fell off the hook in the garage. We were on notice for the execution.


Portland dining

Next is Lauren B. Lauren hails  from Portland ,Oregon  the city of roses. As she has all throughout the show, Lauren  navigates Ben through the day with warmth and humor. When Lauren’s sister  Mollie sister meets Ben , Mollie  prods Ben to know what Ben sees in Lauren besides the fact Lauren she is pretty, funny, smart and nice . Ben demonstrates he has exhausted his articulation skills and brings tears to his eyes  which Mollie interprets as love and gives our boy a hug. At this point we have seen enough to conclude Lauren  will be the one left standing . If she isn’t the one , I will be starting an investigation into the fix !  The good news for Lauren is that sister Mollie has nothing in common with Lady Mary in Downton Abbey. Lady Mary is on the short list for  the worst sister in the history of mankind she consistently sets new records for being nasty to her sister Lady Edith.  How one treats ones siblings and parents  is probably as good an indicator as one can get in projecting how someone will be over time.

We get the sense that Lauren’s family is quite the happy lot and all are rooting for Lauren’s continued happiness. I keep watching even though it is apparent  to me that Lauren  is miles ahead of whomever one seeds in second slot.



Next up we meet Caila from Hudson , Ohio. Caila is the only child of a white toy company executive and a Filipina mother . Caila takes Ben to create a couple things in the toy factory and then Ben  carries her out of the factory as if he were Richard Gere in "An Officer and Gentlemen" 
Ben and Caila leave the factory to cheers

Compare their exit with Richard Gere and Deborah Winger  here:


One thing about Caila is she  has  beautiful hair which she manages to showcase. Ben seems smitten with her appearance but other than kissing her every chance he can get he seems to barely know her. I noticed  that Caila still  refers to her mother and father as mommy and daddy which gave me a little doubt as to whether she was ready to “bring home the Benjamin”.  She surely has the hair to be the next Bachelorette and I am sure she has been angling for that spot since the beginning.



The final hometown visit is in Dallas where we  meet Jo Jo and her family. Before Ben shows up , we get some drama when some ex boyfriend  named Chad leaves roses and a note professing he has discovered after a whole 39 days he loves Jo Jo. We have Ben arriving any minute  and Jo Jo feels compelled  to give Chad  a call. Bachelor Nation knows that Amanda’s kids have contributed to Amanda’s stock trading down to Lehman Brothers bankruptcy level. All Jo Jo has to do  to get through to the next round is avoid  having Ben get hit by a bus . But Jo Jo wanders Ben into traffic and risks becoming No Jo.

Jo Jo hurriedly tells Chad thanks but no thanks and when Ben arrives she immediately tells Ben all about this.  The gentlemen’s guide to being the a bachelorette  strenuously recommends never mentioning anything about past relationships  or ones the Bachelor may have with the other girls but No Jo risks doom and shares Chad misses his old flame Jo Jo.

I imagine Ben thinks “At least there are no kids I have to deal with"  and  he brightens up that "all that" ( 2 minutes tops )  is behind us and we can go enjoy ourselves at the family meeting .

two non believers in Ben

Ben is wrong  about this forecast  and is met with two brothers who care a lot about No Jo and fear our Boy Ben is stringing No Jo along . They accuse  Ben  that he is not as into her as she is to him. They have a point in that we seem to be playing a game of the girls declare their undying love and devotion while Ben murmurs he is being real and there is something "there”. In his defense what is he supposed to say –“ hey the producers coach me on keeping doubt up to the rose ceremony otherwise I should send everyone home now and hang out with Lauren who we all have to figure by now is going to be the one” . Instead he mumbles something and gets out of Dodge as fast as he can.

Jo Jo making a statement


Well No Jo just entered the range of possible hometown casualty and the rose ceremony starts as expected with Lauren  and Caila getting roses to the next round. Amada and Jo Jo are left standing with a final rose left.  JoJo  tried to save her hometown disaster by showing  up in a dress revealing enough cleavage to give Ben something to think about besides getting beaten by her brothers. I imagine Jo Jo is thinking toss the chick with the kids Ben and we get the overnight date and all that offers. 


Charlie Don't Surf is a famous line from the 1979 film Apocalypse Now, spoken by Lt. Col. Kilgore ( Robert Duvall in a great role) as justification for taking a beach at the Mekong Delta so the American soldiers could go surfing. American soldiers referred to the Viet Cong as "Victor Charlie" or simply as "V-C". "Victor" and "Charlie" are both letters in the NATO phonetic alphabet corresponding to 'V' and 'C', respectively. "Charlie", when used alone, referred to communist forces in general, both Viet Cong  and North Vietnamese.

Well Charlie  Don’t Surf and BEN DOES NOT DO INSTANT FAMILY .

Jo Jo gets the third rose and we are down to three.

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